The Register

Under section 13 of the Estate Agents Ordinance, EAA maintains a register for the purposes of the Ordinance. The Register contains the following:

  • the name of those to whom a licence has been granted;
  • the licence number;
  • the period(s) for which the licence was granted and/or renewed;
  • if the licence is suspended, the period during which it is suspended;
  • if the licence is revoked, the date of revocation;
  • for current licensees, the registered address; and
  • other information prescribed by the Ordinance.
Under section 14 of the Ordinance, every licensee shall have an address in Hong Kong to which all communications and notices may be sent. Every applicant for the grant or renewal of a licence is required to state such an address in the relevant application form. Where an address ceases to be the registered address of a licensee, the licensee shall within the period of 14 days beginning on such cesser, notify EAA in writing of another address to which all communications and notices may be sent.  Any notice which is required to be given under the Ordinance shall be properly given if it is sent by post to the registered address.

The Register is available free of charge for public inspection at the EAA office (Address: Room 2601, 26/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong). Pursuant to section 13 of the Ordinance, a copy of or extract from any part of the Register may be made available to the public for a prescribed fee (at $150 per licence record). Click here for the relevant application form.

Some of the information in the Register may be obtained from the Licence List which provides a quick and easy way for the public to ascertain the status of the licences of those who serve them.

Ascertain if the person concerned is currently licensed and the details of the licence

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Useful quick links for Licensees

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Useful information before becoming an estate agent

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