
Members of the EAA are appointed by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It consists of a Chairman, a Vice-chairman and not more than 18 ordinary members from various sectors in the community, including the estate agency sector. It has five standing committees.
Current members are:


Chairman :
Mr Simon SIU Chak-yu, BBS, JP
Vice-Chairman :
Ms Jane Curzon LO, BBS, JP
Ordinary Members :

Mr Jonathan CHANG Tien-yin, SC
Ir Albert CHENG Ting-ning
Mr CHIU Kam-kuen
Professor CHOW Wai-shun
Ms Irene CHU Ngar-yee
Mr Dennis HO Chiu-ping
Mr Francis HO Ying-foo
Mr Ryan IP Man-ki
Miss LOK Hom-ning
Miss Amber NG Yan-pui
Mr Jacob POON Tat-hang 
Professor TANG Bo-sin, MH
Mr Raymond TSOI Chi-chung
Mr Kevin WONG Ho
Mr Michael WONG Yick-kam, SBS, MH, JP
Mr Eric WOO Hing-yip
Mr YU Chi-wing, MH
Permanent Secretary for Housing or her representative


The Administration of the EAA is headed by Chief Executive Officer Mr Gordon Leung Chung-tai. The Chief Executive Officer has the statutory responsibility to enforce the Estate Agents Ordinance and is responsible for implementing the EAA's policies.


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