New Appointments to the Estate Agents Authority

On 3rd October 2003, the Government announced new appointments to the Estate Agents Authority (EAA). Mr Marvin Cheung Kin-tung, SBS, JP, founding Chairman of the Authority, will retire after heading the regulatory body for six years and will be succeeded by Mr Steven Poon Kwok-lim, JP, currently Vice-Chairman. The Vice-Chairmanship will be taken up by Mr Anthony Chow Wing-kin, SBS, JP, Chairman of the Authority's Disciplinary Committee. These appointments will take effect from 1st November 2003.

Mr Marvin Cheung Kin-tung, the founding Chairman of the Authority, has made outstanding contribution to the work of the EAA.

The EAA is much indebted to Mr Cheung, who has steered the Authority through its formative years with admirable leadership, vision and resolve. Mr Cheung's commitment to the mission of the Authority, and his dedication to the effective implementation of the Estate Agents Ordinance, have been a source of inspiration to all on the EAA Board and in the Authority's Administration. While Mr Cheung will soon relinquish the Chair of the Authority, both the estate agency profession and the Authority will continue to benefit from his wise and judicious judgements for many years to come.

Mr Steven Poon Kwok-lim, JPMr Steven Poon Kwok-lim, the new Chairman, is one of the founding members of the Authority. He has been Vice-Chairman of the Authority and Chairman of the Disciplinary and the Licensing Committees, two of the standing committees of the Authority. As Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee during the early days of the EAA, Mr Poon helped develop an effective regulatory regime, through which consumers in dispute with estate agents may seek redress.

Mr Poon's leadership and foresight are well known and appreciated. Mr Poon, with his rich experience of public service at the highest level, will certainly lead the Authority to a new phase of development, for the better protection of consumer interests and the furtherance of professionalism among practitioners.

Mr Anthony Chow Wing-kinMr Anthony Chow Wing-kin, the new Vice-Chairman, is also a founding member of the EAA and is currently the Chairman of the Authority's Disciplinary Committee. He has made great efforts in introducing an effective testing and standardisation system which provides the linch-pin for the licensing regime.

The Government also announced the appointment of Mrs Liu Tam Yuen-king as a member of the EAA. She will bring her professional knowledge and experience in public service to EAA's deliberations.

The Estate Agents Authority has a membership of 20 appointed by the Chief Executive.

The EAA gave a dinner in honour of Mr Marvin Cheung who retires from the Authority as Chairman at the end of October. The dinner was also attended by the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands and other Government officials.

Mr Steven Poon, Chairman Designate, presented a valedictory speech and a souvenir to Mr Cheung.


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