EAA Publications

Inquiry Hearing Cases - A Selection (Excerpts)

The community has responded warmly to the casebook The Freshman which was brought out by the EAA last year. Reception among members of the estate agency trade has been particularly enthusiastic as the publication has helped them to better understand and handle certain problems encountered during the course of their business. To help practitioners deepen their understanding of the legal aspects of their work, the Authority has compiled a collection of cases that were heard by the Disciplinary Committee of the EAA.

During an inquiry hearing, members of the Disciplinary Committee carefully examine and consider all relevant evidence and documents, and the respondent has sufficient opportunities to answer the allegations made against him, and to defend himself. When giving its decision, the Committee will explain to the respondent, in clear and lucid terms, the reasons behind the decision. In addition, the respondent will be admonished to make improvements in his practice, professional ethics and standard of service, so that the hearing will also have its educational value. The cases in this collection have all been before the Disciplinary Committee. Apart from a brief narrative of the case itself, each case report indicates the factors considered by the Committee in arriving at its decision, and in determining the penalties to be awarded. The relevant sections of the Practice Regulation and the Code of Ethics are cited at the end of each case report.

The Chairman and members of the Disciplinary Committee have lent great support to our effort in enhancing the standards of professional estate agency practice in Hong Kong. They have given their time generously to the inquiry hearings and I would like to take the opportunity here to register my appreciation and gratitude to them.

Grace M Y Chow
Chief Executive Officer
Estate Agents Authority
February 2002

The copyright of this collection of case reports vests in the Estate Agents Authority. The materials herein are for private use only and the reproduction for commercial purposes is not permitt


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