An interview with Mr Steven Poon Kwok-lim, JP
Chairman of the Estate Agents Authority

As the Chairman of the Authority, what do you expect the Authority to achieve?


The Authority has established a solid foundation in examination, licensing and regulation over the past six years. We are now placing emphasis on the development as well as the regulation of the trade. We hope to enhance estate agents' professional status through various channels, such as providing them with opportunities for continuing professional education, encouraging professional exchange between the Mainland and Hong Kong, and increasing the public's understanding of the work of estate agents.


After six years's regulatory efforts, do you think the level of professionalism and the image of estate agents have been elevated?


Our efforts have gradually given the industry a new professional image. Of course, in the last few years, because of the sluggish economy, many industries were faced with fierce competition and there were irregularities among estate agents in their efforts to obtain business. However, such cases were in the minority and on the whole, I reckon that the estate agent industry has won the recognition of the general public.


How do you find the working relationship between the industry and the Authority?


Since the establishment of the Authority, I have been participating actively in its committee work. When the Estate Agents Ordinance and its subsidiary legislation were first implemented, the industry was generally suspicious and worried. However, after our efforts over the years, and last year in particular, the Authority has managed to strengthen the liaison and communication with various trade associations, and to convince them that the introduction of a regulatory system has actually enhanced the professional image and recognition of estate agents in the community. At the same time, the Authority has made conscientious efforts to listen to the industry and to promote its development. It is very much to be hoped that the existing harmonious relationship will continue.


How about the relationship between the Authority and the Government?


As a bridge between the industry and the Government, we transmit the voice of the practitioners to the Government and, at the same time, lend our support to the implementation of Government policies. For example, on the preventive measures against "money-laundering" the Authority consulted the industry extensively on the Government's proposal. At the same time, we also expressed the industry's wishes to the Government - any preventive measures against "money-laundering" should not affect the normal operation of the estate agency industry. Eventually, the Authority issued guidelines for the prevention of "money-laundering" which are widely supported by the trade associations as a means to assist the Government in cracking down illegal activities.


Do you think Hong Kong's estate agency industry can benefit from the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) between Hong Kong and the Mainland?


The real estate industry, including the estate agency sector, will be one of the service industries to benefit from the implementation of CEPA. CEPA not only promotes the economic and trading exchanges between the Mainland and Hong Kong, but also offers a wide scope for trade and professional development. The professional advantages of Hong Kong lie in the territory's international outlook, which is augmented by excellent management services and market development skills. These are important factors which foreign-funded institutions will take into account before making investments. When estate agents of Hong Kong are qualified for practice in the Mainland, the potential for Hong Kong practitioners to develop northwards is not to be taken lightly, given the huge potential of the Mainland market.


A continuing professional development programme for practitioners will be launched shortly, on voluntary participation basis during the initial stage. How would the Authority develop practitioners?initiative to participate in further studies?


I think we shall first ensure the attractiveness of the courses if we aim to attract voluntary participation. The contents of the programmes must meet the participants' actual needs, provide them with varied choices, suit the requirements of participants at various levels of professional knowledge (eg, new entrants, senior practitioners, practitioners at management level), and provide a choice of business-specific options (eg, luxury properties, village houses, and industrial and commercial properties). Besides, consideration should also be given to the mode of learning and the timing of classes. We will make sure that consideration is given, as far as is practicable, to the work pattern of the practitioners. The Authority will liaise with various colleges, universities and institutions of advanced learning with a view to offering courses of practical value to the licensees.

Of course, the programme will gradually be evolved into a mandatory scheme. Currently, many professional bodies in Hong Kong have maintained mandatory continuing professional development programmes for their members. I believe that, as a profession, the estate agent industry will be no exception eventually.


The Authority moved to the Hopewell Centre in Wanchai last year. Do you find the operation of the current offices satisfactory?


When the EAA Administration was established in 1998, the leasing of office premises was arranged by the Government Property Agency. The Offices were accommodated at the Dah Sing Financial Centre. Office space gradually became scarce as the Authority Administration moved into full operation. The Authority had to set up an annex, first at Central Plaza and then at 88 Gloucester Road. For rental consideration and to integrate the main offices and the annex for greater efficiency in management and the deployment of manpower and resources, the Authority moved to the Hopewell Centre at the end of 2003.

The new premises provide more spacious and comfortable accommodation for staff members, who do not have to shuttle between two offices. A higher degree of efficiency is achieved, as is greater convenience to licensees and the general public as they may obtain all the services needed in one place.


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