Monograph:Mortgages Contents
Appendix 1: Monthly Mortgage Repayment Table
Interest rates fluctuate. The table below is intended for reference only and is based on a straight-line mortgage repayment plan. Calculations are based on interest rates and repayment terms for every $100,000 borrowed.
5 years 10 years 12 years 15 years 20 years 25 years
2.00 1752.8 920.1 781.7 643.5 505.9 423.8
2.25 1763.7 931.4 793.1 655.1 517.8 436.1
2.50 1774.7 942.7 804.5 666.8 529.9 448.6
2.75 1785.8 954.1 816.1 678.6 542.2 461.3
3.00 1796.9 965.6 827.8 690.6 554.6 474.2
3.25 1808.0 977.2 839.6 702.7 567.2 487.3
3.50 1819.2 988.9 851.5 714.9 580.0 500.6
3.75 1830.4 1000.6 863.4 727.2 592.9 514.1
4.00 1841.7 1012.5 875.5 739.7 606.0 527.8
4.25 1853.0 1024.4 887.7 752.3 619.2 541.7
4.50 1864.3 1036.4 900.0 765.0 632.7 555.8
4.75 1875.7 1048.5 912.4 777.8 646.2 570.1
5.00 1887.1 1060.7 924.9 790.8 660.0 584.6
5.25 1898.6 1072.9 937.5 803.9 673.8 599.2
5.50 1910.1 1085.3 950.2 817.1 687.9 614.1
5.75 1921.7 1097.7 963.0 830.4 702.1 629.1
6.00 1933.3 1110.2 975.9 843.9 716.4 644.3
6.25 1944.9 1122.8 988.8 857.4 730.9 659.7
6.50 1956.6 1135.5 1001.9 871.1 745.6 675.2
6.75 1968.3 1148.2 1015.1 884.9 760.4 690.9
7.00 1980.1 1161.1 1028.4 898.8 775.3 706.8
7.25 1991.9 1174.0 1041.8 912.9 790.4 722.8
7.50 2003.7 1187.0 1055.2 927.0 805.6 739.0
7.75 2015.7 1200.1 1068.8 941.3 820.9 755.3
8.00 2027.6 1213.3 1082.5 955.7 836.4 771.8
8.25 2039.6 1226.5 1096.2 970.1 852.1 788.5
8.50 2051.7 1239.9 1110.1 984.7 867.8 805.2
8.75 2063.7 1253.3 1124.0 999.4 883.7 822.1
9.00 2075.8 1266.8 1138.0 1014.3 899.7 839.2
How to calculate monthly mortgage repayments:
  1. Look across the columns for the correct repayment term
  2. Look down the rows for the correct interest rate
  3. Find the corresponding figure inside the table
  4. Divide the mortgage loan amount by $100,000
  5. Multiply the amount obtained in Step 4 by the figure obtained in Step 3 to obtain the monthly mortgage repayment amount



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