Seminar on Introduction to the Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS)

The EAA has organised two seminars, one on 15th April (in English) and another on 20th April (in Chinese), to introduce the Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS) launched by the Land Registry in February. In both sessions, Mr Yuen Wai Chuen and Mr C.K. Chan, Assistant Registry Managers of the Land Registry, explained and demonstrated how to use the IRIS service, and answered participants' questions.

The events were well received by the participants. Most of them expressed their appreciation of the presentations and the materials provided by the speakers, and considered the seminar helpful for gaining understanding of the new system.

The Land Registry introduced the Central Registration System in February 2005, and set up the supporting Integrated Registration Information System, by which the public can view the Land Register, search Unposted Memorial Information and order Land Documents on the internet.


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