EAA Annual Report 2021/22

行政總裁匯報 Report of the Chief Execut ive Off icer 提升行業專業水平及形象 為提升行業專業水平,並推動地產代理商 舖的從業員持續進修,監管局將繼續透過 「地產代理商舖專業進修嘉許獎章」計劃, 表揚獲獎的地產代理商舖員工參與持續專 業進修。本年度合共有 188 家地產代理商舖 因積極參與持續專業進修計劃而獲頒商舖 嘉許獎章,創下過去 10 年來的最高紀錄。 受到 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情影響,網上學習 的發展迅速,監管局亦適時推出更多的網 絡研討會╱網上培訓課程,並將其納入為 持續專業進修計劃下的活動模式,為業界 推出更多新的網上學習課程。年內,網上 學習課程及網絡研討會的報名人數比去年 上升 71% 。在政府「第二輪防疫抗疫基金: 技能提升配對資助計劃」下,監管局委託了 香港大學專業進修學院推出兩個嶄新的持 續專業進修培訓課程:「土地查冊學英文」 及「以智能電話製作樓盤影片」,供持牌人 免費參加,反應非常踴躍。 此外,監管局於 2021 年 4 月推出「節能有 『理』嘉許計劃」,以鼓勵地產代理商舖減少 碳排放,攜手對抗全球暖化,為保護地球 作出貢獻,獲得業界的積極支持。逾 900 間 地產代理商舖報名參加計劃,其中合共有 387 間地產代理商舖獲得獎項。該計劃成功 向公眾展示業界正面積極和關懷的態度, 結果令人鼓舞。 25 周年紀念及展望 2021 年,監管局於柴灣辦事處的同座大廈 內購入另一層辦公室後,大部分員工皆已 遷往柴灣的兩個辦公室工作。長遠來說, 搬遷將有助穩定監管局的營運成本及促進 局方順利運作。 2022 年是《地產代理條例》頒佈及監管局 成立 25 周年。監管局將繼續致力提升業 界成為值得市民信賴及尊重的專業,令業 界更加守法巡規,並推動消費者教育,驅 使業界為香港作出更大貢獻。為慶祝周年 紀念,監管局會舉辦一連串活動及紀念儀 式。 Enhancing the professionalism and image of the trade To enhance the professionalism of the trade and facilitate continuous learning of estate agents in estate agency shops, the EAA continues to promote the CPD Mark for the Estate Agencies Award Scheme as a recognition for the continuous professional advancement made by the staff of the awarded estate agency shops. A total of 188 estate agency shops were awarded the CPD Mark in the year for their active participation in the Continuing Professional Development Scheme, which is a record high in the past 10 years. As the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the development of the online learning mode, the EAA has launched more webinars/online training classes as a new activity mode under the CPD scheme and launched more new e-learning programmes for the trade. During the year, the number of enrolments of the e-learning programmes and webinars increased by 71% compared with the previous year. With the subsidy from the Government Matching Grant Scheme for Skill Upgrading under the second round of the Anti-epidemic Fund, the EAA has also appointed HKU SPACE to launch two brand new CPD training courses, namely, “Learning English through Land Search” and “Video Production for Estate Agency Trade Using Smartphone” which were free-of-charge for licensees to join and the response was overwhelming. In addition, the EAA launched an “Estate Agents Energy Saving Award Scheme” in April 2021 with a view to encouraging estate agents to contribute to protecting the planet by joining hands in fighting against global warming through reducing carbon emissions, which received positive support from the trade. Over 900 estate agency shops enrolled in the scheme and a total of 387 participating estate agency shops were awarded. The result of the Scheme is encouraging as it demonstrated to the public the positive and caring attitude of the trade. 25 th Anniversary and outlook In 2021, the EAA purchased another office premises in the same building of our existing Chai Wan office. Since then, most of our staff moved to the two offices in Chai Wan. The relocation would help stablise the EAA’s operating cost in the long run and maintain a smooth operation of the EAA. The year 2022 marks the 25 th Anniversary of the enactment of the Estate Agents Ordinance and the establishment of the EAA. The EAA will continue to spare no effort in elevating the trade to a profession worthy of public trust and respect and in strengthening trade compliances and promoting consumer education, so that the trade can make greater contributions to Hong Kong. To celebrate the occasion, a series of events and a ceremony will be held. 地產代理監管局 2021/22 年報 18